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International Journal of Healthcare Simulation
The world as our oyster: the International Journal of Healthcare Simulation – Advances in Theory & Practice (IJoHS) as a new forum for healthcare simulation

Article Type: Editorial, Article History

Table of Contents

We are excited to launch the inaugural issue of the International Journal of Healthcare SimulationAdvances in Theory & Practice (IJoHS). While starting a new journal during a pandemic has offered unique challenges, it has also revealed the extraordinary commitment to scholarship in healthcare simulation from our colleagues around the world. The global uptake of healthcare simulation reflects an upward trajectory with a parallel increase in research. We believe it is time for a new journal.

The title IJoHS summarizes our vision: the provision of a forum for the international healthcare simulation community to share work that advances our understanding about theory and how it contributes to simulation-based practices. Such a purview includes work that results in the development of new theory, empirical research that expands the evidence base in the field, and novel contributions that promote reflection about the changing role of simulation in healthcare education.

At IJoHS, our aspirations are far-reaching. Quality in a journal can be measured in many ways. We strive to create positive author and reviewer experiences in which manuscripts undergo timely, fair peer review with swift publication on acceptance. Of course, we seek a high-quality experience for readers with open access publishing enabling content to be available whenever and wherever it is required. Another quality indicator is the editorial board, one in which diversity in its broadest sense is valued. Diversity extends to experience in simulation modality, professional discipline, research methods, geographic location and more. Quality is also reflected in our valuing of equity and inclusion demonstrated by our plan to implement researcher, editor, and reviewer mentoring programs.

In accordance with these aspirations, we welcome manuscripts on any simulation-based modality, employed in any healthcare or social care setting and targeted for any healthcare-related purpose. We encourage submission of a wide variety of article types that include the following: original research of any design; study protocols of empirical research or reviews; practice guidelines that facilitate translation of research to practice; essays that draw on disciplines such as the arts, philosophy, technology, human factors, clinical sciences, health policy and governance; debates that examine contested topics important to our community; perspectives that share creative textual or visual resources; key concepts that summarise core practices through infographics; and letters that offer ideas or respond to IJoHS content. Instructions for the format of each of these types of articles are available in the author guidelines.

The inaugural issue offers a glimpse of the current breadth of simulation practices from around the world, including Canada, India, Qatar and the United Kingdom. Original research includes articles on the role of simulation in improving approaches to mental health training by Saunders et al [1] and Oganah et al [2]. The article of Novogrudsky et al [3] reveals creative ways in which healthcare leaders participate in simulation to experience strategies to better support doctors returning to work after prolonged absences. Finally, the qualitative study of Smith et al [4] describes how virtual meetings were used during the pandemic to maintain connection with and support older SPs (> 65 years) during the suspension of teaching activities. Caring for colleagues has taken on new prominence during the pandemic.

This first issue also contains two essays involving critical reflection of salient topics. Pai [5] ponders the current and future directions of simulation-based medical education in India. Knickle et al [6] invite us to examine scenario design, a common practice of simulationists, as a powerful way by which social and cultural messages about patients are relayed to students potentially impacting their professional value and attitudes in clinical practice.

In this inaugural issue, we also debut three other types of articles. Dogan et al [7] provides innovative and creative practice guidelines involving ‘visually-enhanced mental simulation’ for paramedicine education. In their debate article, Kumar et al [8] address the pros and cons of interprofessional co-debriefing in interprofessional simulation-based activities. The issue closes with a key concepts article from Kumar et al [9] summarizing continuing professional faculty development.

This variety of rich offerings from our simulation-based community underline the expanding reach of simulation-based activities around the world and the need for a journal such as IJoHS to serve as the forum for dissemination. We are honoured to share them with you in this inaugural issue. In terms of simulation-based practice in healthcare, we consider the world as our oyster. We invite you to join us in this endeavour. Happy reading!



Saunders A, Ortega-Vega M, Iannelli H, et al. Evaluating the impact of simulation-based mental health training on self-efficacy: a retrospective data analysis. IJoHS. doi: 10.1093/ijohs/ijaa002


Oganah M, Ortega-Vega M, Valdearenas L, et al. Mental health crises in the emergency department: simulation training for interprofessional collaboration and teamwork attitudes. IJoHS. doi: 10.1093/ijohs/ijaa005


Novogrudsky K, Iannelli H, Laws-Chapman C, et al. Simulation training for healthcare leaders supporting returning doctors. IJoHS. doi: 10.1093/ijohs/ijaa009


Smith C, Sokoloff L, Galluci C, et al. ‘It’s like a shot in the arm’: evaluating the experiences of older simulated participants in structured virtual meetings during COVID-19. IJoHS. doi: 10.1093/ijohs/ijaa011


Pai D . Current status of simulation based medical education in India and the way forward. IJoHS. doi: 10.1093/ijohs/ijaa004


Knickle K, Weir K, McNaughton N . Authoring and othering: examining bias in scenario design. IJoHS. doi: 10.1093/ijohs/ijaa006


Dogan B, Pattison N, Alinier G . A form of mental simulation with significant enhancements enabling teamwork training. IJoHS. doi: 10.1093/ijohs/ijaa007


Kumar P, Paton C, Simpson H, et al. Is interprofessional co-debriefing necessary for effective interprofessional learning within simulation-based education? IJoHS. doi: 10.1093/ijohs/ijaa003


Kumar P, Collins K, Paton C . Continuing professional development for faculty in simulation-based education. IJoHS. doi: 10.1093/ijohs/ijaa008