Home Volume: 2, Issue: Supplement 1
International Journal of Healthcare Simulation
Developing the ‘all-Wales simulation-based education and training strategy for the health and care workforce’

https://doi.org/10.54531/CXKD7141, Volume: 2, Issue: Supplement 1, Pages: A58-A58
Article Type: Editorial, Article History

Table of Contents



    Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) established a Simulation Team (Sim Team) in July 2020 to develop and implement a multi-professional strategy for simulation-based education and training for Wales [1]. The team comprises five interprofessional Associate Deans and a full-time manager.


    Work formally started on the strategy in spring 2021. An Associate Dean was allocated to lead.

    Stage 1: The Sim Team obtained awareness to key strategy needs from engagement with the Welsh health and care simulation community (Sim Community). A range of internet-available simulation strategies were reviewed to gain knowledge of current approaches and strategic themes. A first draft vision, mission statements, domains, and workstreams were outlined (‘the plan on a page’). Work with HEIWs planning team followed, with extensive discussions to ensure appropriate key terminology.

    Stage 2: Each Associate Dean defined objectives for each of their responsible workstreams. A Sim Team brainstorming day peer reviewed each other’s work to form the finalised draft strategy.

    Stage 3: A programme of key stakeholder engagement events was planned for consultation and feedback on the draft strategy, including sessions with Welsh Simulation Experts, Learners, Patient/Service User representatives, and the wider Sim Community. The first event engaging simulation experts led to minor revisions to the mission statements, which were cascaded to subsequent consultations. Other revisions are being withheld until completion of all events. Update/Q&A sessions were provided at Sim Team webinars (June, December 2021, June 2022). At completion of each stage, the strategy was submitted to the HEIWs Executive Board for review and feedback.


    The strategy is divided into four domains of work (Engaging People and Partnerships, Promoting Quality, Supporting Simulation Delivery, and Designing Future Directions) with three workstreams per domain. It has been positively received. Completion of the engagement events is planned for July 2022. Concluding revisions will then be made with submission of the finalised strategy to HEIWs Executive Team for closing sign off, which will complete Stage 4.


    We have developed a strategy that outlines HEIWs commitment of work to support simulation over the coming five years, which is nearing its final stages for publication. This has been written and revised in close consultation with key stakeholders to ensure its relevance and longevity. The next step will be the development of an implementation plan.


    1. Health Education and Improvement Wales. Integrated Medium-Term Plan 2022–25 Version 1. 2022 https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=https%3A%2F%2Fheiw.nhs.wales%2Ffiles%2Fheiw-impt-2022-25%2F&wdOrigin=BROWSELINK [Accessed on 28/06/2022]